Monday, February 27, 2012


Keep It Simple Stupid. (Someone in the internet used this phrase, I'm just borrowing it)

Or something to that effect, heh.
Shahrin has been going at me to make him some pancakes. He just wouldn't drop it since yesterday.
So, today after coming home from Taiping Hospital (another post), Ahmad picked up some stuff from the grocery shop.

To make my version of pancakes. I kind of cheated on the recipe since my version is the simplified version of 2 recipes I found online (no links though, sorry). I used only the same ingredients found in both recipes and ignored the ones that were mentioned only in either one of them.

A bit burnt since I had to multitask between cooking & making sure the boys took their baths

Shahrin's body parts heh

That's not maple syrup (drool...don't know where to get me some) just honey...
My recipe:

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup fresh milk
Essence of vanilla
2 tablespoon cooking oil (couldn't find butter here)

I just threw everything in the blender and gave it a whizz. Put a saucepan on the stove, drizzle in some oil and I went to town making my family some pancakes for dinner.

Simple. Just the way I like things to be.


  1. Ada recipe macam pancake Mc D tak?...Nak!!!

  2. wah..kalau resepi pancake McD kena tanya org dalam la kut heheh.. sapa keja McD sila angkat tangan!
