Monday, September 26, 2011

Into the 2nd trimester...

Yup folks, I'm inching closer to the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy.

Let me tell you, this time around, I feel like a train wreck! The house is a total loss, the laundry is pilling up, luckily I have an 'understanding' husband who buys me lunch and dinner so that I don't have to cook. So, the dishes are not quite the problem. I haven't swept the floor in over a week (HORROR!!!) and my sons have blackened soles from running around on un-mopped floor.

The nausea and the morning sickness are almost over, almost, but I still don't have my appetite back. It's kinda frustrating to eat my favorite food yet unable to savor them the way I always do. Let's not forget the constant hunger. OMG! It never goes away even when I couldn't enjoy my food.

I've also been so tired, lethargic almost, for the past 2 months. Hence the wrecked house. I've been sleeping early, waking up every couple hours or so to pee (I very nearly bought myself diapers for grown-ups, seriously! ) and wake up still feeling as if I haven't slept a wink. Then, I spent all day long either sitting down or laying down.

Hopefully, with the 2nd trimester, I'd feel considerably better and back to my usual self coz I can't live like this anymore!!!! I looked at the piled up clothes with a heavy heart while they beckon me, taunting me to come and fold them up pretty. SIGH.

My offer still stands......

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