Friday, October 7, 2011

Back in business...FINALLY!

Hi all,

And peace be upon you to all my muslim friends.
Alhamdulillah, my pregnancy has finally hit the 2nd trimester & I am glad, GLAD! to tell you that I am 70% back to my old self. I don't feel so fatigued all the time, my appetite is almost normal (still feel nauseated when eating but I've managed to keep things down), morning-sickness is bye-bye and I don't sleep 5 times a day anymore. 

During this month's check-up, my weight has gone up 1.4kg! Sadly, I am now officially in the 90~kg region. Bummer. I've always kept my weight in the mid 70~kg all through my 20's (yes, I know, not my ideal weight but at least my weight was consistent back then) but right after my pregnancy with Shahrin and Nazrin, my weight has gone up and up and up and up. *sigh*   

As for the chaos in the house, I've managed to settle some of my more pressing chores by taking the 'divide and conquer' approach. By breaking up a BIG problem into smaller ones, I can honestly say that the house is not looking like a disaster area anymore. Well, not as bad as it was during my 1st trimester, that is.

With the mountain-high clothes, waiting to be folded, I micro-managed them by making 4 piles; mine, Ahmad's, Shahrin's and Nazrin's. Then, I focused on folding one pile at a time, till the pile is finished. Though the process of laundry-folding can never be conclusively finished, since I wash at least 2 loads everyday, I am glad I took this approach as it gave me peace of mind while still keeping me sane. As oppose to trying to fold every piece of clothing in that pile while trying to sort them into their respective drawers, at the same time, by focusing on one pile at a time, I save time and get back on track.   

I did the same with the floor. As soon as I felt fine enough, which was around early last week, I chose one area a day for sweeping. I have at least 3 major areas; bedrooms, kitchen and living room. Thankfully, my sons no longer have blackened soles from running around on dirty floors as I have also managed to mop the floor too. 

I have more updates but right now I have to see to my sons. They're playing outside and Ahmad's not around to watch them.


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