I've had my share of putting up 'controversial' status on Facebook and received mixed response to them.
These days, I'm still addicted to it (who doesn't, right? heh) but I have managed to keep my status bland and non-controversial. But usually, I just log in to see who's doing what, that's all. It's kind of anti-climatic when you have something you wish to share on Facebook but have to think 1000X before posting it.
In the end, Facebook is just another webpage I open to keep myself updated with my friends. Heh.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Ramblings of a mom/wife/who-am-i
It's kinda weird not having to type anything at all.
I've completed ALL the assignment/essay/forum/proofreading projects that came my way since October. Things were hectic for almost 2 month straight but the pay was most welcome. But, the past 2 days have been a bit, well, boring. Heh. Never thought I'd say that but after spending almost everyday in front of the computer, thinking of what to write or how to edit a sentence to make it better, you get a bit disoriented when you are in the same setting but no longer need to do the same task.
Funny thing though, while I was busy completing the projects, at the back of my mind was a constant multitude of chore list that I keep putting off till I have completed everything. Everyday, for the past 3 weeks, I'd open my fridge and think, "I'll clean this when I'm free" or whenever we have to dive into the mountain of clean laundry still waiting to be folded, I'd think, "This shouldn't take to long to finish, 1 day would be enough". Unfortunately, till today, I have done nothing. NADA..
But actually, I started this entry because I have things to get off my chest. I'm just gonna write them in point form coz I'm feeling lazy.
1- I have something to say to doctors and nurses. Children get sick all the time. When they do, don't just blame the MOTHER! She certainly doesn't want her child to get sick or wait 3 days to see a doctor. What is it with you people? Why do you have to put the blame solely on ME?? Because it's easier? since I'm the only one talking to you even though my husband is in there as well? Do you really think I'd purposely let my kids suffer before seeing you if I could have done it sooner??? This BS has happen to me so many times. It's so UNFAIR! If it was up to me, I'd have taken my kids in the moment I know they are not well BUT I can't. Okey..I need help to handle the boys. Husband has to come along; to drive us, to help manage the boys but he's busy too. Just because I'm a house wife doesn't mean I have time to waste at your stupid clinic just because my kids have runny noses. Ughh...these people act as if Ahmad was not there or not in the picture and just heap the blame on me. BS!! Why didn't you ask him why he didn't take his kids in to see the doctor sooner?
2- I am getting sick of this one old neighbour of us. She has been coming around asking for this and that ever since I've known her. At first I thought, well, she's old and weak, what the heck, right? So, I just give her anything she asks and get this, she has a system for asking for things. She'd casually walk past our window (usually in the morning), take a peek in on the items on our table and would ask questions about them. There was one time when the table was full of food from the night before (my parents came and they brought home-cooked food, YAY! for my mom) and I'd just finished reheating them for an early lunch. She walked past (there's a spot for burning trash at the back of this house and she would throw her trash there every.single.day.even.if.it's.just.one.small.plastic.bag) and as usual, took a peak, saw the food on the table and immediately started asking me about the dishes. Well, since I'm such a polite neighbor, I couldn't just let her stand outside my window while we talked, so I invited her in. In the end, she went home with 3 containers full of the food she sampled while she was here. The same happened this evening. I was frying some chicken nuggets for the boys when she ambled past. She peaked, saw the nuggets and as usual, started asking about them (as if she's never seen one before) and as usual, she said could she have some for her dinner. So? What to do? I had to pack some for her and her husband. I don't mind giving her food every now and then since she's old and frail and I thought her annoying habit was age related BUT people around here has been telling me that she's been that way since forever. She's been perfecting her M.O. since her 20's, who knows? But what to do, right? We're Malays and we are friendly, polite people, so I can't say NO to her when she comes by next time.
3- This one is positive, promise. I was nursing Khairin the other day, it was noon and the older boys were making noises about being thirsty. I jokingly said, "No, today is my day off!" and you know what Shahrin said? He said, "You can't have a day off, you're a mother!" to which we both laughed. I swear this is not just something I write ok, Shahrin actually said it like that. Hahahah...*ahem*
p/s: sometimes, I feel proud of how he quickly picks up the correct way of saying things in English but there are times when I feel like I've let him watch to many cartoons. heh heh heh...
Friday, November 23, 2012
Hey there..
wow..almost a month had gone by...just like that, eh?
didn't realized i've neglected this blog for that long..but still..i had things to do, noses to wipe and tears to dry...
things are still pretty crazy these days; after nazrin's week long fever, he's still got the runny nose & he finished up 2 boxes of my 200 pull tissues in just 3 weeks! shahrin came down with fever on and off, e.g. he'd be feverish for 2 days then gets better for about 4 days then gets feverish again..not sure if i should worry but he did vomit prior to showing fever symptoms. khairin's been like this as well, as do myself but he didn't vomit like shahrin. i was sick twice but each lasted only a day...no time for ibu to be sick...my babies need me more.. *adeh*
i've also been busy with my projects..alhamdulillah..although lately, it seems that i have assumed the role of breadwinner for this family..well, ahmad seems to be getting his mojo back so hopefully he'll re-assume this role soon..i'm tired of having to do everything around here..luckily, ahmad has taken over some of my daily chores like doing the dishes, getting the boys ready (the 2 older ones but they can manage bathing by themselves but putting on clothes is another matter as i haven't been able to do much folding & the pile is growing!) as well as hanging the laundry to dry. i mentioned to him how grateful i am when he helps me with chores & i pointed out a snippet from DIVA UNIVERSAL's "The Break Up" featuring Jeniffer Aniston and Vince Vaughn - J.A: I want you to want to do the dishes!
V.V: Why would I want to do the dishes?
see? and here i thought i'm the only one getting depressed over doing dishes, heheh..but lately, i do think he has changed, has gotten a bit understanding about the stuff i have to do just to keep this family functional.. plus i do have a job that pays the bills, groceries and other stuff. i'm still waiting for him to be more open about his past though..7 years of marriage is not long enough for us to truly know each other..heck, we could spend the rest of our lives together & still wouldn't know everything about each other, right?
well, got to get back to work..
p/s: i once heard someone said that she needed a wife & now, i understand what she meant, heh
didn't realized i've neglected this blog for that long..but still..i had things to do, noses to wipe and tears to dry...
things are still pretty crazy these days; after nazrin's week long fever, he's still got the runny nose & he finished up 2 boxes of my 200 pull tissues in just 3 weeks! shahrin came down with fever on and off, e.g. he'd be feverish for 2 days then gets better for about 4 days then gets feverish again..not sure if i should worry but he did vomit prior to showing fever symptoms. khairin's been like this as well, as do myself but he didn't vomit like shahrin. i was sick twice but each lasted only a day...no time for ibu to be sick...my babies need me more.. *adeh*
i've also been busy with my projects..alhamdulillah..although lately, it seems that i have assumed the role of breadwinner for this family..well, ahmad seems to be getting his mojo back so hopefully he'll re-assume this role soon..i'm tired of having to do everything around here..luckily, ahmad has taken over some of my daily chores like doing the dishes, getting the boys ready (the 2 older ones but they can manage bathing by themselves but putting on clothes is another matter as i haven't been able to do much folding & the pile is growing!) as well as hanging the laundry to dry. i mentioned to him how grateful i am when he helps me with chores & i pointed out a snippet from DIVA UNIVERSAL's "The Break Up" featuring Jeniffer Aniston and Vince Vaughn - J.A: I want you to want to do the dishes!
V.V: Why would I want to do the dishes?
see? and here i thought i'm the only one getting depressed over doing dishes, heheh..but lately, i do think he has changed, has gotten a bit understanding about the stuff i have to do just to keep this family functional.. plus i do have a job that pays the bills, groceries and other stuff. i'm still waiting for him to be more open about his past though..7 years of marriage is not long enough for us to truly know each other..heck, we could spend the rest of our lives together & still wouldn't know everything about each other, right?
well, got to get back to work..
p/s: i once heard someone said that she needed a wife & now, i understand what she meant, heh
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Okay...breath in.......................breath out........................................
Things have got to get better soon because I'm very close to pulling my hair (what little that's left of it) or throw something at someone.
Starting with Nazrin last Tuesday, then followed by Khairin and finally Shahrin just 2 days ago.
PUKING!!! (okay, this one involved Shahrin alone, that one time but still......)
Nazrin is super cranky these days & just not his normal bubbly-self.
I go between feeling sorry for my sons & wanting to take their ouches away to feeling could-someBODY-come-get-these-boys-before-I-bodily-harm-myself!!!????
Case in point: I had to do a No.2 around 9pm just now. I walked by Khairin on the way to the toilet and he was just fine, playing with something. Just as I sat down to do my business, he started wailing. Like ultrawailing..I want Ibu nooowwwww!!! kind of wail. I carried on with my business since Ahmad was around & I fully expected him to get control over things. Unfortunately, Khairin wailed and wailed and wailed till he was coughing out of breath. I couldn't take it any more so
The things I do for my boys.
So we had a fun time in the toilet for a while hahahahhahaha lalalalalalalla
* the toilet + bathroom is huge, so that's why I didn't mind having Khairin & his walker in there. Don't worry, I was appropriately covered where it mattered :p
Things have got to get better soon because I'm very close to pulling my hair (what little that's left of it) or throw something at someone.
Starting with Nazrin last Tuesday, then followed by Khairin and finally Shahrin just 2 days ago.
PUKING!!! (okay, this one involved Shahrin alone, that one time but still......)
Nazrin is super cranky these days & just not his normal bubbly-self.
I go between feeling sorry for my sons & wanting to take their ouches away to feeling could-someBODY-come-get-these-boys-before-I-bodily-harm-myself!!!????
Case in point: I had to do a No.2 around 9pm just now. I walked by Khairin on the way to the toilet and he was just fine, playing with something. Just as I sat down to do my business, he started wailing. Like ultrawailing..I want Ibu nooowwwww!!! kind of wail. I carried on with my business since Ahmad was around & I fully expected him to get control over things. Unfortunately, Khairin wailed and wailed and wailed till he was coughing out of breath. I couldn't take it any more so
The things I do for my boys.
So we had a fun time in the toilet for a while hahahahhahaha lalalalalalalla
* the toilet + bathroom is huge, so that's why I didn't mind having Khairin & his walker in there. Don't worry, I was appropriately covered where it mattered :p
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Being a WAHM is really stressful...
I was finally able to submit an article due 2 days ago, TODAY!, after the client repeatedly called me asking about my progress. *sigh*
I didn't mean to take this much time but it is utter chaos right now (well, technically, right now all 3 boys are sleeping! can you believe that??!) with the dirty dishes in the sink, laundry all piled up high, floors not swept... errmmm...somehow I'm getting a dejavu while writing this. It is so reminisce the months when I was pregnant with Khairin..ahakss..
Unfortunately, the only thing that's coming out of anybody is snot, snot more snot and throw in some barf too. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our household is currently under attach! At first, it was just Nazrin coming down with fever which started 3 days ago. Then, Khairin got it too, so I've been keeping up with fever medications and keeping the boys cooled whenever their temperature got too high. I was practically (still am today..my arms are cramping!!!) 'wearing' Khairin all through the day. Man! he was clingy and with the runny nose, he couldn't take naps like he normally does, thus he gets even clingy-er. Nazrin cried over every coughs and whenever his nose started running and when I asked him to take a bath because I needed to try & get his temp down. Owh...that one can sure turn on the waterworks..and he keeps asking for cough syrup BUT wouldn't eat it when I wanted to give it to him. I mean, COME ON!!! He complaints (and cries) every time he coughs then asks for the cough syrup but when I place the spoon near his lips, fully expecting him to open them, he cries so hard till he coughs and coughs and coughs and throw up.
Yeah...that's the story of my life right now.
I couldn't find the time to sit down and work on the article all day yesterday. The client has been very understanding till she couldn't stand it anymore. Hahah. But all in all, she was still very kind for making the payment even when I fully expected her to bail. Fortunately for me, so far, I've never had a client bail out on me without paying for my services. Although I know I should change the way I conduct my services which is ask for payment first before submitting the article/paper/thesis that I've written/proofread/edit. But when clients give me just a few days of completing the task before they have to submit it themselves, how can I ask for money first?
Alhamdulillah, this month alone, I made almost the highest I've gotten so far. I did have to juggle quite a number of clients almost one on top of the other but I managed. The only problem I face constantly these days is juggling between work and household responsibilities. And my boys.
Like last week, I practically had to 'import' Ahmad's step-sister to come over and look after the boys while I focus on finishing 2 articles that needed proofreading. This week I couldn't go get her since we crashed my sister's car and she's still using ours so we're car-less right now. I think I need to set-up some kind of schedule to separate my work and my household responsibilities. I normally just spend whatever minute I can grab between finishing my chores and looking after the boys to complete my projects but after the last 3 days, I think I need to be firm about my timetable. At least, if I can come up with some workable time allotments for my projects, I can request or instruct my future clients that I have a certain time-limits for completing certain projects. Then, I can estimate how long I would need for each project.
Well, I think I'd KIV this for the next time I am in trouble. For now, I need to finish writing a report for a long-term client of mine who happens to be my neighbor's niece. heh.
Sleep tight boys, Ibu's gotta work!
p/s: I bought something totally out of character 3 weeks ago after I was paid for an article. I bought myself a handsome black chair! Soooo professional looking, let me tell you! Now I can pretend that I'm in an air-conditioned office while I work. heheh...next time I just might buy myself a nice looking office table to fit this chair. hahahahha
I didn't mean to take this much time but it is utter chaos right now (well, technically, right now all 3 boys are sleeping! can you believe that??!) with the dirty dishes in the sink, laundry all piled up high, floors not swept... errmmm...somehow I'm getting a dejavu while writing this. It is so reminisce the months when I was pregnant with Khairin..ahakss..
Unfortunately, the only thing that's coming out of anybody is snot, snot more snot and throw in some barf too. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our household is currently under attach! At first, it was just Nazrin coming down with fever which started 3 days ago. Then, Khairin got it too, so I've been keeping up with fever medications and keeping the boys cooled whenever their temperature got too high. I was practically (still am today..my arms are cramping!!!) 'wearing' Khairin all through the day. Man! he was clingy and with the runny nose, he couldn't take naps like he normally does, thus he gets even clingy-er. Nazrin cried over every coughs and whenever his nose started running and when I asked him to take a bath because I needed to try & get his temp down. Owh...that one can sure turn on the waterworks..and he keeps asking for cough syrup BUT wouldn't eat it when I wanted to give it to him. I mean, COME ON!!! He complaints (and cries) every time he coughs then asks for the cough syrup but when I place the spoon near his lips, fully expecting him to open them, he cries so hard till he coughs and coughs and coughs and throw up.
Yeah...that's the story of my life right now.
I couldn't find the time to sit down and work on the article all day yesterday. The client has been very understanding till she couldn't stand it anymore. Hahah. But all in all, she was still very kind for making the payment even when I fully expected her to bail. Fortunately for me, so far, I've never had a client bail out on me without paying for my services. Although I know I should change the way I conduct my services which is ask for payment first before submitting the article/paper/thesis that I've written/proofread/edit. But when clients give me just a few days of completing the task before they have to submit it themselves, how can I ask for money first?
Alhamdulillah, this month alone, I made almost the highest I've gotten so far. I did have to juggle quite a number of clients almost one on top of the other but I managed. The only problem I face constantly these days is juggling between work and household responsibilities. And my boys.
Like last week, I practically had to 'import' Ahmad's step-sister to come over and look after the boys while I focus on finishing 2 articles that needed proofreading. This week I couldn't go get her since we crashed my sister's car and she's still using ours so we're car-less right now. I think I need to set-up some kind of schedule to separate my work and my household responsibilities. I normally just spend whatever minute I can grab between finishing my chores and looking after the boys to complete my projects but after the last 3 days, I think I need to be firm about my timetable. At least, if I can come up with some workable time allotments for my projects, I can request or instruct my future clients that I have a certain time-limits for completing certain projects. Then, I can estimate how long I would need for each project.
Well, I think I'd KIV this for the next time I am in trouble. For now, I need to finish writing a report for a long-term client of mine who happens to be my neighbor's niece. heh.
Sleep tight boys, Ibu's gotta work!
p/s: I bought something totally out of character 3 weeks ago after I was paid for an article. I bought myself a handsome black chair! Soooo professional looking, let me tell you! Now I can pretend that I'm in an air-conditioned office while I work. heheh...next time I just might buy myself a nice looking office table to fit this chair. hahahahha
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Looks identical enough to my chair. Isn't she pretty? Heh. I love the latticed back. |
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