Sunday, December 23, 2012

Who knew?

I am still feeling the aftermath of the month long translating project.
I already have 2 new projects but these past 2 days have been used to tidy up the house & catch up with laundry, especially the folding part of it. I have been browsing around bloggosphere and have found a few organizing ideas that I want to try. I have also been catching up on my sleep heheh that is to say, I catnapped when Khairin does during the day.

There is also 1 thing that's been bothering me & I can't shake it off. I thought I could but it kept coming back & crowding my thoughts. It has really caught me by surprise & I never thought that it could happen to me. It's like being sucker-punched except I don't know how that feels like. er..

Who knew?

It has taken away my excitement with Shahrin's coming off age. We should be preparing for next year when he has to attend public school. time flies, he's 7yo first-born will be going to school for real next year *tears*

But that thing is making me feel so low & down in the dumps. Ughhh...gotta shake it off!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah right? me too has the same feeling because my Adam only has one year before real school...why huh? Huh school sucks! I feel like going back to 'asrama' during my school days...that boredom feeling...haish...
