Saturday, May 19, 2012


I'm thinking of taking a break from ghostwriting, editing and proofreading for a bit.
The house is such a mess that I'm not feeling the 'love flow' (<---feng shui talk :D) anymore.
But if I do that this break, I might mess up the flow of good money *sigh* since work is coming in at a steady pace these days. They are just the right amount of work that I can still juggle between being the working mother and the stay at home mother.


The hazard of working at home is that I'm constantly torn between completing my household chores and finishing my current project. I'm not complaining though since I get to raise the boys myself (sometimes I do feel like leaving them with their father for an hour or two just to get away from their constant bickering and demanding my attention) and at the same time bring some money in to help with the bills.

But after doing nothing during my pregnancy, the house really need some TLC. Plus, we've been planning to put Shahrin and Nazrin in a separate room of their own. It's not good for me & Ahmad to have 3 distractions in the same room as us, if you get my drift. If I decline a project or two while we get things under control again around here, we might be able to make this house presentable again.

I'm torn......

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