Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well people,
I'm currently here at my sister's house in Salak Selatan, typing on her Acer, drinking her delicious Nescafe..while my sons; the oldest is still watching TV (I don't know how he can stand watching the TV all day long *sigh*) and the youngest is sleeping, thank GOD. Unfortunately, my hubby is home alone because he didn't want to spend Raya anywhere else but at his 'kampung'. And since I know that TB is going to celebrate Raya there, I persuaded hubby to let us tag along with my parents to KL. There is no way I'm going to stick around whenever she is around, hah! Thankfully, he is a decent guy and he knows how much I hate her, so that's why he gave me the permission to spend Raya with my clan. Thanks Ahmad!
My parents, sons and I arrived at my other sister's workplace around 2.30 Monday evening. Then we spent the next 2 hours resting* at her building's musolla while waiting for her to finish work so that we can follow her home. Baba knows only limited routes in KL, thus the stop at her workplace. Then, we had a scrumptious dinner/breaking fast dinner at a Thai restaurant near her home, with the table we booked ladden with lots of dishes. My stomach was so full, I felt like puking, hahah. Our dinner party comprises of 6 adults and 4 children which makes for a very chaotic dinner indeed. Afterwards, we all headed back to my other sister's house to rest. My sister, the one I'm crashing with right now managed to talk me into staying with her instead of at my other sister's. So, we've been going to and from both my sisters' house since yesterday.
Today we cooked our dinner. It was fun and fast-paced and chaotic and just so relaxing at the same time. It sure feels good to be around my family again.
* with the boys running amok in the musolla, how can I ever rest? *sigh*

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