Monday, August 15, 2011

Booking completed.

After sending Shahrin off to pre-school this morning, I came back home to a still-sleeping Ahmad and Nazrin. I've told Ahmad that we need to go to the clinic this morning for 'booking' purposes. When he said he didn't want to go, after telling me last night that he would, I got pissed and went ahead without him and Nazrin. At least I wouldn't have to run around after Nazrin at the clinic while waiting for my booking to be processed.

Booking is a procedure that all pregnant ladies have to go through, in order to get the required medical attention throughout their pregnancy. They will be given a pink book that records all their medical complications or pregnancy progress, for the duration of their pregnancy for safe-keeping. They would have to bring this book every time they have an appointment with the Dr. or just a follow-up with the nurses. This pink book is also important during delivery at the hospital. The medical team at the hospital will need to look at the records in that book in order to come up-to-date with the patient's pregnancy status.

So, since this is my third pregnancy and I already have a medical record at our local clinic, my booking was quite simple. For a first-timer, she would have to bring a copy of her husband's IC and their marriage certificate to give to the registration desk. As for my case, I just bring along my old pink book, during my pregnancy with Nazrin and give that to the nurse at the desk.

Then another nurse took me to the clinic's mini-lab to draw my blood. She kept one vial of my blood for HIV status checks while she sent me to the main clinic with another vial for another routine blood screen. The results came back normal for all my blood properties. After that, quite a long wait while yet another nurse prepares my third pink book.

She had to go through quite a long list of pregnancy-related medical conditions, ticking some while dashing others, according to my history. I've been categorized as a 'green-code' patient because
                         1. I have had 2 major operations (pregnancy related; ectopic pregnancy and a C-section for
                         2. A history of premature birth (Shahrin, at 33 weeks)
                         3. Both my boys were born with birth weight of less than 2.5kg
                                        and last but not least
                         4. I weigh more than 80 kg (over-weight) heheh.

As usual, I was given the usual pep talk during pregnancy; don't lift heavy things, eat healthily, eat my vitamins and having lots of rest.

Well, that's all for this visit. Next month I have an appointment with the Dr for a scan.

For now, we're heading out to buy food for Iftar. Bye!!!


  1. oi...dah preggie????congrats! jaga badan elok2. aku nak link hang nyer blog kat blog aku. (azza ni)

  2. wei azza, brapa bnyk blog hg ada daa? la, aku suka :p
