Saturday, February 4, 2012

3rd trimester update.

Uh uh..

Getting into the 3rd trimester, I seriously feel like being back in the 1st trimester only minus the morning sickness, alhamdulillah.

My baby bump is making it hard for me to bend down, get up and even lie down. My body aches all over and getting comfortable is a chore all on its own. But then again, that's the case with being pregnant, right? Heheh..

I've been busy this past week, thus the absence of any update. Apart from being superslow-mo while doing housechores, I've also been experiencing 'mild' insomnia. Can't sleep at night but majorly sleepy during the day. *sigh* Don't know which one is worse, trying to count sheep at night while cajoling baby to go to sleep or hitting the sack but kept getting "IBUUUU!!!!!" calls from the boys during the day. This situation has affected my brain, causing me to stare at the lappy screen for hours on end, with no progress on work whatsoever. AHahah...

All in all, life goes on as usual around here.

Baby is kicking up a storm these days. Always stretching and kicking and pushing into my gallbladder (seriously, having to pee every 5 minutes is no fun at all when you're like a beached whale...). It is also super active at night, thus the insomnia thing. Even during the day, it'll be dancing around in its amniotic fluid with glee while I just sit and 'try' to relax at the sideline. Sometimes, I can even see my belly moving to Baby's constant movement. And it never fails to amaze me, even after my previous pregnancies, that I have something precious within my womb, to cherish, to love and to nurture when Baby is ready to face the world.

We'll be going to Hospital Taiping next week for my 32 weeks check-up. The reason for this is because of my pregnancy history with the boys; i) Shahrin was premature and weighted only 1.66kg at birth and ii) Nazrin was born via C-sect due to possible fetal distress condition (meconium related). Guess I'll be seeing an OB-GYN there for consultation regarding this pregnancy. Hope everything goes well.

I've talked to my parents about my concerns over Mama's health and they seemed to embrace the idea well. Too well for my liking, in fact. I was kind of hoping that my mom would be adamant about me giving birth at home with her, like the last time. But this time around, they just said that it's up to me to decide and that they will help with the financial end of things if I do give birth and spend my confinement here. They would pay for someone to come and help with household chores and for a midwife to come look after me and Baby. I was actually hoping that they would say, "No, come home to us and we'll take care of you and your children" but it seems that maybe they realized that they too have to rest and take care of their health too.

Ahmad seems happy with this arrangement though since he wouldn't have to travel every week to my parents house like last time. However, I'm still thinking things over, this is not my final decision yet. I still have 1 more month before making my decision.

Oh, speaking of that, I haven't done ANYTHING in preparation for Baby. Ughhh..guess I know what I have to do today..sort out the boys' old baby clothes and nappies and blankets and booties and mittens and and and and......


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