Thursday, February 23, 2012

Better to abort or dump?

Please go read this at Cecily's, I'll wait for you. Read through all the comments too.

So, what do you think?

Personally, I don't know what to think regarding this issue because such actions can never be done by me. Plus I don't think it's legal to abort here in Malaysia and is the amniocentesis test available here? I have no idea. I did find some links that explains the legality of abortion but most of them are in forums, so I don't know if they are legit.

But the real question is, between abortion and baby dumping, which is the worst?

Almost everyday we read about babies being dumped in the most heartbreaking manner, all over Malaysia.
517 babies have been dumped since 2005, as reported here in The Malaysia Insider.

The good news is about half of this number have happy endings since the babies were found still alive. Not so with the other half though. *mommy tears*

I mean, how cruel is that???
How can a person carry her baby till full term and then just dump it in the toilet, in a bag by the dumpster, stuffed into a trash can of a gas station, left by the roadside, thrown from the fifth floor!!!

There are cases where the babies are left in places where other people can easily find them. Those at least showed that the babies' mothers or whoever dumped them have a heart. Maybe they were afraid of the consequences of having babies out of wedlock, thus dumping the babies seemed the only way to go but they still loved their babies enough to place them somewhere that they can be found.

Both issues touched my heart. Abortion is a serious issue but so is baby dumping. One is about deciding to end a life before it really begins while the other one is about getting rid of a life when you don't want to deal with it. So, which one is more horrible than the other?

I had so much to say (in my head) when I first read Cecily's entry but now, all I can think about is MY Baby in MY womb. How I will love him/her with all my heart, just as much as I love my two boys.

And I thank GOD everyday for these precious gifts.

p/s: this entry is rather lame, isn't it? As I mentioned above, I had a lot more to say while I was reading Cecily's entry but now, at this moment, my thoughts have deserted me. I would have loved to elaborate my feelings on this topic more eloquently but the reasoning and facts to support my thoughts are not coming through for now. So sorry about that.


  1. KAK Anis, ni jawapan orang. Panjang okeh.

  2. Tak dak lah kak Anis.. I think I can understand why you feel yg this entry does not mirror your exact feelings.. sbbnye bende gini leave us speechless.. the horrors make us not want to say it out loud.. but we get your message loud and clear so don't worry ye..

    I've never been pregnant.. kawen pun blum kaaaaann.. but even I'd condemn this kinda people.. tak kisah la depa nak bantai me balik ckp, I dunno what they feel sbb I tak penah pregnant.. but its wrong. Abortion is taking a life, and taking a life tu keje Tuhan je, bkn kite.. while dumping tu lagi la, for the lack of a better word, bodoh!

  3. Anonymous: how can we stop zina when everything these days seems like promoting pergaulan bebas. Case in point; konsert jom heboh, konsert2 lain, sambutan new year, valentine (mcm ada article relating this day to the increase of baby dumping by the end of the year tp cr tak jumpa plak...)

    Adik: sungguh la panjang heheh

    Ayu: tu la..takut jugak kalau tulis btl2 yg terbuku di hati ada plak yg mai serang blog I yg tak seberapa nih (as if I have that many readers in the first place :P)
