Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

Haha funny.

Is there anybody still reading this blog? I've been so focused on my translation project, I've neglected my blog. Sorry guys.

It seems like I have had quite a bad month, starting with my toothache, then going to the dentist, have it extracted and had to suffer through bad coughing plus swollen gum. It didn't stop there, I cough so hard, I have headache; maybe from the swollen gum too but I wasn't sure, and I pee my pants. Embarrassing but totally not my fault (is it? hahaha) because I've found out 2 years ago that the condition is called incontinence due to child-birth.

Then, during the Eid Adha, hubby's relative said something to me that really tore me up. Thus the 2 lame post I wrote previously. What that person said totally wrecked my mood and my self-esteem. I felt like a loser, a nobody, useless.

I know that I've been imposing on their kindness for too long now, 5 years to be exact. But I didn't want this! I didn't want to be the live-in-housekeeper. I want my own place! I've told them that over and over, I've argued with hubby about this since 4 years ago. But nobody listens to me.

I hate this.

But life goes on.

I still have my boys to cheer me up, my parents for love and support, I know hubby loves me in his own selfish way. These days, I can only focus on my translating project (okey, that's complete BS because I am procrastinating; FB, blog-hopping, TV watching etc :D) but you get the idea right?

So, till we meet again folks.
Signing out.