Monday, August 23, 2010

What a week!

Every time I have something to write about, there's always something else that needs to be done. Plus the boys just wouldn't leave me to blog in peace, especially Nazrin. The moment he sees me turning on my PC, he'd come running with arms out for me to lift him up. Then, he'd BANG! BANG! BANG! on my keyboard much to my annoyance. Or Shahrin would saunter by and plead to play his usual games. And the excuses goes on and on and on....

But now, both of them are sleeping and I find myself....clueless. *sigh*

Anyway, I've been busy reading and rating away at ReadBud. My current earning is $12.84 and I still have a lot more reading and rating to do before I can claim my money. However, I do feel a little apprehensive about this, I keep thinking that this service is a scam and I'm going to find out that by the time I can finally claim my $50, the webpage will be gone, POOF! Well, crossing my fingers hoping that this is a legitimate service and I'd be able to set up a PayPal account and claim my payment. I can't wait!

Then there's the proofreading job I had just finished on Saturday. Although I had finished it earlier, I had a hard time finding the balance between household chores and anything PC related (blogging, proofreading, reading and rating, FB-ing and etc) due to changes in schedule during Ramadhan. I used to spend time in front of my PC at night, after the boys have gone to sleep. Nowadays, my PC time has been cut short and I had to steal a little moment here and a few minutes there during daytime in order to use my PC. Anyway, thanks to Abg Chaop for giving me the opportunity to proofread his journal paper. Hope you are satisfied with my work.

And last Thursday, we were informed that Hubby's father had been in an accident. Luckily, he only suffered minor injuries and had just been released from hospital this morning. But what I need write down here is what had happened during last weekend after we got that news. Hubby was still tired from his current work trip so we decided to visit his father on Friday. Being me, I thought that we would be going bright and early Friday morning, so I rushed through my household chores, making sure that everything would be finished by the time Hubby wakes up. The hours crept past morning and I told myself that we could still make it for the afternoon visiting hours, so back to more chores. Hubby kept on sleeping by the way. But when 12pm went by and he still kept snoring, I lost my temper. Fasting or no fasting, I really lost it! If it had been my father, I would have DEMANDED that we visit him right after we got of the phone.

Needless to say, my temper had no effect on him at all. Hubby just calmly told me that we can still go during the evening visiting hours. He then got up, showered and got ready for Friday prayer. Well, seems that I got my 'knickers' all tied up over nothing from his point of view. Although his calmness and patience are his better assets, sometimes I just feel the need to hit his head with a frying pan.

The next few days were spent going to the hospital and visiting Hubby's siblings (whom by the way, came all the way from KL, even from N9 to visit their father). Since he was so nonchalant about his father's condition, I went on my own, with the boys, off course. Hopefully, Hubby's siblings would not judge either him or me for our lacking presence.

There, this post should cover the last week of not posting. Have to go prepare our breaking fast meals.

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