Saturday, December 4, 2010

Money matters.

You know the best way to double your money?
Fold it
and put it in your pocket.

Phyllis Diller

I found this quote in Reader's Digest, June 2007 issue.

Kind of funny and it is, yet at the same time, ironic, given the economic situation we're having these past years. It insinuates the need to NOT spend, which for me is easy because I don't really go shopping very much. Things I shop for are basic necessities; food, diapers, household items and the occasional cravings.

Be that it may, I am currently totally dependent on my hubby and occasionally on my parents for my spending money. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is not good for my confidence and self-esteem at all.

I started this blog as a means to support myself and my boys without depending to much on either hubby or parents. Unfortunately, as other bloggers are throwing extremely good posts left and right, I could merely post about my own anxiety, my lack of ambition, some stories about my boys, my rants and practically more boring posts about nothing important.

Remember the post I did on ReadBud? Well, my prediction came through; after I reached the $50 mark, the balance on my account bounced back to $40, as if I never did reach the mark that makes me eligible for a redemption, at all. That's why their banner was taken off. I've sent them dozens of complaints but they didn't even acknowledge me. I was really looking forward to having that $50 (about RM 150) in my PayPal account.

I've also joined the ManggaAd group, the ad you see on my side bar? I've only earned RM 0.07 since joining. Man, that number looks really depressing. *sigh*

There's also the Info Links ad, where they highlights/underscores phrases/words that are commonly searched for and attach an ad to it. This one? Zilch. Nada. No money from this venture yet.

Let's see, what else? Oh, in my Facebook page, I am offering translation services (English to Malay and vice verse), as well as proofreading (though I have no official training at doing this), editing (this one as well) and composition. I've scored with doing translation, I did get a few projects to translate but they are slow in coming.

I need a money-earning job NOW! Like yesterday!

With regards to job-hunting, I've failed at that one too. I failed the year after graduation, I failed the year after getting my Masters, and I am failing this time around too.


If only Adam Lambert's words are true:

I have the man I wanted but my happily ever after is not in sight.


  1. Anis,

    tak cuba ke jual barang guna mudah ke.. anis kan ada banyak baju bundle. mana2 yg masih sgt ok tu jual je kat lelong ke, ke.. saya dah dapat beribu ringgit gak jual online ni...

  2. Anonymous

    Siapakah ini? hehe..thanks for the advise, mmg ada niat nak jual jeans bundle tu online tp ingat nak berguru dulu..ble tolong tak?
