Thursday, December 2, 2010

Life's little pleasures.

This is a story of two brothers who love each other very much but still too young to really show it.

One brother is a bit clingy while the other is more independent.

One prefers to play alone with his assortments of toy cars, trains and trucks.
The other loves to explore his surroundings, much to his mother's frustration. He really messes things up when he goes exploring.

The older brother sometimes loves playing tag with his younger brother, who in turn would instigate the game whenever he can. When they are having fun, the whole house would be filled with their laughter. Such joy to watch them enjoying their play with each other.

The older brother is more reserved and a bit on the timid side.
The younger brother is very adventurous and feels he can do anything at all.

Both are very talkative and expressive when they want something. The younger one is even worse, he couldn't wait for anything. If his mother is a little too slow at giving him what he wants, his tantrum routine; cry as loud as he can, run away from mother, stop, cry some more, then turn around to see if she's coming to get him, if not then he'd run back towards his mother. Repeat if still doesn't get what he wants.

Both love to give kisses. The best present his mother ever gets. Tiny little lips, all puckered up for 'tiss-tiss' (kiss-kiss). Freely given by the older brother, a little coaxing is needed for kisses from the younger one.

The older is very good at following orders. Mother is very pleased to have someone she can ask for help with picking up dirty laundry, throwing trash into the bin, getting her phone from the shelf, etc. He is her 'hand-little-helper'.

The younger is her breakfast/lunch/dinner date, everyday. He is a good eater and whenever she sits down to eat, he'll come running. But he wants his own plate and food. If his mother attempts to feed him, he'll shake his head so hard, she worries it might fall off. At 1.5 years old, he's getting pretty good at feeding himself. The older one is not very keen at eating. He prefers watching TV.

The little buggers are their mother's treasure and she loves them very much.

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