Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just my 2 cents.

Read more here
My heart goes out to her parents, especially her distraught father. To go from one funeral straight to his own daughter's funeral must have been mind-boggling. Personally, I don't really blame him for forgetting about his daughter. As it is the nature of 'forgetting', you just don't know when your forgetfulness might hurt yourself or your own. Nobody wants to be forgetful nor do anyone wants to forget important things. Granted, forgetting important dates; anniversary, birthdays, weddings, are not as heart-breaking as this story but some people still sulk over such petty things. But forgetting about a child; in the car, at the park, home alone, some people might consider these to be unforgivable, unacceptable, even.

More similar cases of child left unattended in cars: The Times, WESH, AmandaBeck.
Apparently, such cases are more widespread than we'd like to think: Kids in Cars

I first got exposed to this problem after I watched an Oprah show dedicated especially to a case similar to this one. I couldn't find the link to this particular show but if you click on the above link, you can read more about it.



Who's to blame?

As observers, we can easily place the blame on the parent who had unintentionally left their child in the car. We can as easily say bad things about them, curse their stupidity; what kind of parent (mom/dad) leave their child in a car like that? But what if it happens to us?

Right now, all I want to do is educate myself better about such dangers and try, try my best to protect my sons from such tragedy. May ALLAH protect my family always. 


  1. I started this post with a lot going through my mind but I just couldn't find the right words to express my thoughts properly. Tears are already streaming down my face. And I'm supposed to be working.. *sigh*

  2. negligence. period. should be charged under child protection law.

  3. you express it well. may Allah protect our family
