Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fever fever.

First it was Shahrin. Man, he was such a bad patient. *sigh*
But then again, he's always like that, whiny, no matter what his health condition is like, heh.

Then, this afternoon, just when I thought it was over, Nazrin got it too. Ughh..
Poor baby, he was practically shivering just now, even in this sweltering heat.
Thankfully, he is a better patient than his brother.
Hope this fever week pass soon because I can't stand watching my boys sick.
I'd take all their sickness if that was ever possible.

Anyway, my neighbor's son went missing this morning. He's a grown man but with mental disabilities.
He'd never leave his house before, he'd always just stand there in his front yard, by the roadside, watching the cars zoom by. The police has been notified but you know how it goes, if it's not been 24 hours, they can't file an official report.
His father (who has a heart problem, very recently released from the hospital) discovered his son's disappearance when he couldn't find his son anywhere around 10 this morning. They both are early risers & when his son still didn't 'wake up' by half past 9'ish, he went looking for his son.
Ahmad's out there now, somewhere, trying to locate the missing man. The men in this village had organized a search party, hoping to find Kimi (the missing man) in the various palm oil plantations around this area based on a clue given by a bomoh (medicine man?).
I pray that he will be found soon and that he would be fine. Why would anyone would want to hurt someone like Kimi? He'd never hurt a fly.

Please pray for his safe return. 

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