Saturday, May 14, 2011


I wanted to update just now but Blogger crashed or something. This post was supposed to be up on Thursday (12/5) but the whole day was spent being busy with stuff. Wanted to post it today (technically, yesterday, Friday the 13th since it's already 1.05am Saturday now) but MIL is here, so had to play busy bee for a while.

Remember this post? I mentioned at the bottom part about my neighbor's son who went missing on Tuesday.
Well, they found his body on Thursday morning, after searching for 2 days.
On the day he went missing, only close family members and neighbors were notified. Of course a police report was filed too but it wasn't until the day after that the fire department and RELA were notified too.
According to what I've heard, the search parties had gone looking for him around the area he was found quite a few times but they didn't find anything.
The bomoh kept telling them that he is close by and is being held by mythical creatures we call Bunian (like fairies only with human form). That was why the search parties couldn't find him. Then on Wednesday night, his family organized a Yassin recital, with hope that ALLAH will guide all of us towards Kimi's whereabouts.

Then, on Thursday morning, after a light rain, RELA went out again to look for him. The firemen were here too so when news of his body's discovery went out, things went quite smoothly. The police was involved too and they sent over a forensics unit. Kimi's body had been found in a ditch about 1 kilometer from his house, which is quite a long way from our house too. He was found in between a pineapple orchid and a palm oil plantation. His body was rushed to Hospital Parit Buntar, supposedly to be autopsied but given the circumstances; him being mentally challenged and there was no evidence of foul-play, his body was released to the morgue to be prepared for burial. He was found around 10am and his body was buried at 3pm amidst the rain. The morgue at Parit Buntar had settled everything for his family; they bathe him, kapan, performed solat jenazah (praying for the dead) and put him in a coffin, so the villagers only had to prepare his grave.

I stayed home with the boys through the whole day so I don't know much about what went on at the cemetery. All in all, it was a great relief for the whole community to have finally found him. Even though he had died, finding his body had given his family a closure of sorts.

May Kimi be blessed by ALLAH.


p/s: This is the 3rd death in their family; Kimi's 15 year old nephew, his mother and now him. May they all be in ALLAH's mercy.

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