Sunday, January 30, 2011


As I was typing away on the lappy last night (around 11-ish), Nazrin woke up and wanted to nurse. I went into our bedroom with the intention of nursing Nazrin & coming back out to continue my work right after he'd gone back to sleep.

I remember hearing Shahrin calling me.
I see him standing there at the bedroom door, saying, "Ibu, nak susu.." (Mom, want my bottle..).
I heard him say, "Shahrin tunggu ni.." (I'm waiting..).
I heard Ahmad say, "Satgi tutup TV, naa?" (Turn off the TV after this, ok?)
I feel Ahmad curling up next to me.

I woke up.

It was already 4.45am!!! And I left Shahrin outside, all alone!


It wasn't a dream, he was calling out to me, asking for his bottle. He always does that whenever he feels sleepy. It's kind of a substitute for a binky/blankey/other stuff children have as their 'bedtime partner'.

I'd fallen asleep while nursing Nazrin and Shahrin WAS at our bedroom door, telling me he's waiting for his bottle, poor thing. *tearing up* I let my son waited outside, all alone, for his bottle, while I slept! Buhuhu..

I don't know when Ahmad came home but he must have made Shahrin's formula for him because I found his bottle next to him just now. The TV was blaring, the fan was on and Shahrin was fast asleep on the couch. All alone.

And I thought I was dreaming....

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