Friday, January 7, 2011

To forgive is divine?

I don't understand this saying; You can forgive but you can't forget.

How can you say you have forgiven somebody if you haven't forgotten their transgression? I really can't comprehend how such thing can happen.

Well, truthfully, I have not forgiven TB nor have I forgotten what happened.
I still H.A.T.E. TB with every fiber of my being.
Yeah, I know, anger and hate are such draining emotions, nothing good ever come from fueling these two feelings.


I don't want to forget. I still remember what happened 2 years ago as if it happened yesterday.

Oh yeah..I am vindictive and hateful. Surprised?


  1. For me..forgive means..ok i can accept ape yg u dah buat..but not forgotten means...ok lepas ni i berjaga2 la kot pisang berbuah 2 kali..heheh..ok dak perumpamaan aku..huhuh...

  2. ok ja perumpamaan hg tu tp sbb ni la aku tak ble maafkan org tu, sbb aku tak ble terima apa yg dia dah buat..sakit ati smpi skg..huhu
