Saturday, April 2, 2011

After the class is over...

We had our final class for Business Writing last Wednesday.
Our lecturer let us have back our 2 tests papers to go through while in class.
The first test was to write a Refusing Credit letter and the second one was to write a Market Trend report.
These pieces are marked according to the format of each piece, the content, grammatical accuracy and style of writing. The total mark is then calculated to give the 'pointer' for each test. 1 test = 5 points (highest mark).
As the teacher was explaining more about some of the other business letters that could come up in the exam, I took the chance to look through my own test and the other 2 girls' tests as well. The one Chinese girl (who is literally 10 years younger than I am) in class got 4._ and 4._ for her tests, while the one Indian girl in class (she's 8 years younger) got a 3._ and a 4._ for hers. Me? I only got a 3.5 and a 3.2.


I've never felt sooooo disappointed about my English papers before. NEVER. English is like my strongest subject. I've never even got an A- for English, let alone a B?!!

So, I asked my lecturer about my results. You know what she said? She said, "You are a good writer, Anis but you just don't have the content suitable enough to satisfy the requirement of these tests". She is right. The Chinese girl always get good remarks for her letters/memo that we have to write in class. I would always ask to borrow her paper after class, so that I can go home and study her content. She has got some good ideas when it comes to 'marketing new products' or 'planning a launch' or reasons to 'why we are refusing to grant credit for your purchase'.

I feel so terribly disappointed.

On the 29th, we will be sitting for our final exam. As a part-time student, I have the flexibility of choosing whether or not I want to sit for the exam. Shahrin's operation to correct his hypospadia condition has been set for the 20th and recovery should take about 3-4 days. (I had written about his operation here). That doesn't give me enough time to study. I am still undecided about this. But my teacher said that I would be fine because I only lack content, everything else is good. Yeah, sure. Content. I think I should read more business reports/news from now on as a preparation. De javu feeling: I remember clipping news from our local news papers in preparation for SPM Bahasa paper. hehehe..


  1. how do you market your blog actually? do you visit other blogs & forums? if yes, did you put your link there? go around 2 different (or 4) forums every day and put your comments there. make it meaningful so that people will remember you. revisit and re-plant once a week. and you have to have stronger content. 'niche' is the key in blogging.

  2. HI anonymous,

    Yeah, thanks for the suggestion. I know I have to do these things. I was just feeling lonely last night hehe..and feeling sorry for myself. I'm gonna edit this post a bit though.
    I really appreciate your comment.

  3. your blog is like a soap opera that i wouldn't want to miss - only difference is, yours is real. i could relate to some of ur 'downs', and i hope 'it too will pass' for you.

    remember that Allah will reward your effort, sacrifice and patience. :)

  4. hi syigim,

    soap opera? more like an indie film gone bad, way baaadddd..hahaha..
    anyway, i know i have to step up on my contents, zazz up my 'soap' a bit..
    thanks for the prayers syigim, and happy birthday to your sweet kazim..he's soo cute :D
