Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A sunburst mirror 'wannabe' project.

I love sunburst mirrors. Wish I could have/make one but with the money being tight these days, don't think I'd be getting/making one anytime soon, heh. I like this one very much:

If you want to see more sunburst mirrors, check the link, ok.
However, I did make something else entirely based on what I have at hand, in my stash of trash. I found a tutorial for making fabric flowers that was simple and easy to make. I followed the instruction from Creation Corner and here's a picture of her fabric flowers. Lovely, aren't they?

I used an old T-shirt for my flower and just did what she did, though my flower was quite big. Unfortunately, I didn't have any big buttons to glue onto the flower. Then, it hit me! Since I couldn't have/make a sunburst mirror, why not make something like it but different?

Sorry, I didn't have pictures for the process that took place but what I basically did was I covered the hole at the center with the inner paper found when you open up a new jar of peanut butter. Here in Malaysia, the Ladies Choice's peanut butter brand comes in a plastic jar and when you open the lid, this paper piece gives an added protection. So, I glued that onto the hole, glued my old contact-lense's cover at the back and glued a piece of magnet on that.

The front view.
Can you see my lense's cover? Creative use of trash, don't you think? :D
With the other magnet flower I made before.

Center attention. Here it is on my fridge.
Now I have 2-fer; a sunburst mirror 'wannabe' plus a fridge magnet. Nice, huh?

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