Friday, April 1, 2011

What a week!

This week has been a roller-coaster ride from beginning to the end. And quite frankly, I don't think the week ever ends. It just rolls into another and another and another. The only difference is one week could be better than the other OR vice verse.

I slept late 3 nights in a row, going to sleep at 3am and waking up early to send Shahrin to his pre-school. Then spent the day doing my usual chores and packing in some extra work when the boys were preoccupied with something else other than pestering me. Plus I had to help Ahmad with HIS work, putting up awnings for our neighbor. He couldn't do it alone since it was a 2-men job. Unfortunately, he couldn't afford to hire a helper so I had to pitch in by being his helper. Nothing strenuous, I just helped by handing things over to him or holding things steady or tidying up his tools. However, I have to say that he never did the same for me. :( 

I truly felt like I was doing a million things at the same time but in reality, I could barely focus on one. At least I got paid for my 'hard work'. Know how I spent that hard-earned money? The last day I had to attend class in USM (btw, I've completed my class & will be sitting for the exam on 29/4, can you believe it? haha) I was paid RM40 for 2 translation jobs that I had stayed up late doing. On my way home, I kept thinking to myself that I deserve a little R&R and indulgence. So, I went to Secret Recipe. I've been dying to go there ever since a buddy in USM told me that they've opened a branch in Parit Buntar.

I walked through its door, fully expecting the warm fuzzy feeling I would get when I FINALLY get to bite into a slice of cake. I've been wanting to have a slice since.......forever.

I got myself a Chocolate Indulgence. It has several layers of something and something. The first bite was divine! (Cue sound of a choir here) I practically smacked my lips a few times just to savor the taste. Don't ask me to describe it though, I have no idea how to. Hahah. Then, one of the waitress approached me with their menu. I looked through the lunch menu and decided not to order any but I did get an Ice Blended Cappuccino. Then, into my 6th bite of the cake and my second sip of the ice blended drink, I began to feel terrible. The cake was RM6.50 and the drink? RM8.90. Plus government tax and service tax, the total was RM17.40. The euphoria didn't last very long when I began to think about how much I've spent. I could've used the money for something else other than splurged it on overpriced slice of cake and a drink.

Anyway, while on the way home, I rationalized my spending by telling myself, it has been a long time since I last bought anything for myself. Sure, I could've saved the money or used it for buying groceries for my family, but ultimately, I did felt good about myself while I was enjoying the first 5 bites (too much chocolate did make me feel a little nauseous). The feeling was great because I know I've worked hard and earned that money. I did make peace with myself by the time I got home. Suffice to say, it will be another few years before I splurge on a Secret Recipe cake again hahaha.     


  1. Awww... put aside the guilt sister. You deserve that R&R, like seriously! I personally think that duit boleh dicari, tapi pengalaman / keinginan yg tercapai / THAT particular MOMENT.. are priceless! So indulge in it, I'd say!

    On a different note, I myself don't really like such expensive places .. not because of the price, but more of me-against-capitalism thingy... hehehe ~ Aina

  2. hahaha..sebenaqnya aku ni dah tahap mengidam terlajak 5 thn dah hg tau..masa ngandung kat Shahrin lg dok teringin tp tak dapat, sibbaik masa ngandung kat Nazrin tak ngidam apa2..hahaha

    but honestly, if i really want to splurge, I'd rather go to McD and get me some Big Mac! pueh ati tu..hehhe unfortunately, they haven't open up a branch here..bummer

  3. Hehe.. aku ni dah 2 tahun tak mkn McD wehh. Kat sini depa panggei Maccers, kalo sebut McD mampuih taktau. Naik jemu dah tgk iklan2 fast food. Menu sama ja semua. X kreatif lgsung. Tapi kdg2 tu terliur gak, nk makan tak boleh sbb tak halal.. bummer! ~Aina
