On Monday, I finally got to meet my LHP 452: English for Business Writing lecturer. I think I was in her class for LKI 441 class back in Tronoh, but I can't be sure. I'm terrible with names and faces. If I ever was a witness for any crime, and have to describe the culprit to the police, I would've failed, miserably, heh. But I digress, sorry.
Actually, this post has been 3 days in the making; first wrote about it Monday night but got side-tracked by my sons, tried again yesterday, and failed again, so I'm really trying hard to finish it today, though there's always an emergency every 5 minutes or so, with the boys running around, fighting over toys and other stuff.
Anyway, on Sunday night, as I was getting our stuff ready for Monday morning; ironing my
baju kurung and Shahrin's Taska uniform (it was his 1st day back to school after the long holiday), putting the boys' change of clothes in their respective bags (I've arranged to leave Nazrin with a babysitter while I was at USM) and my own stuff into my bag, Hubby suddenly spoke up.
"Are you really going to attend that class?" in his usual 'uninterested but just asking' tone.
"Yup, I've already paid the tuition fees & tomorrow I'm meeting the lecturer to discuss the schedule."
Then, because I'm such a good wife, and after being married to him for over 5 years now, I know that my going back to school bothers him some. Plus, the way he asked about it, hinted his 'discomfort'?, his 'doubt'?* with my plan. So, I tried to talk to him about it. As usual, he'd either deny that anything is bothering him or he'd just shrug it off, as if talking about the topic is too much work for him. *sigh*
This attitude of him is really the only one I actually hate, because by not wanting to talk things through with me, he makes me feel unimportant. As if nothing I say means anything to him or things that matters to me is none of his concern. That night, when I asked him if he doesn't want me to attend that class, he only said, "Just go, since you really want to."
How do YOU interpret that sentence? Am I suppose to 'not go' because he clearly seems like he doesn't want me to? Or am I suppose to ignore what he wants, which I'm clearly doing now anyway, heh.
So, today, my lecturer called to inform me of my class schedule. Our first class will start next week, on Wednesday, from 1 - 3pm and the 2nd class will be on Thursday, from 1 - 2pm. This timetable suits me quite well, thank goodness, because I can pick up Shahrin from his pre-school at 12.30pm and then, head straight to Nazrin's babysitter's house to drop both of them off. I'll pick them up after I finish my class on my way back.
Though my lecturer said I could opt not to attend class, since she'll mostly teach us how to write quality business letters/proposals/memos and she could just give me her copy of teaching materials, I told her that attending class would be good for my mental state. I've been dormant for so long now, going to class could very well jog my brain up a couple of notches.
Maybe this class will be my ticket to a better me!