Friday, February 11, 2011

GOD's will.

As a Muslim, I truly believe in God Al-Mighty, the one and only GOD.

I believe in the saying, "GOD works in mysterious ways."

God doesn't put us in a situation where we couldn't find the way out, we are there because of our own inability to search for it.

The same can be said of my current predicament.
I am being tested & I, myself have found me wanting.

I lack the perseverance and the will to fight for myself.
I have depended too much on other people, that I have found myself floundering in a sea of self-pity.

When I couldn't find the right, conventional path (career-wise), I got stuck at the crossroads, waiting for someone to come along and hold my hand/push me down the right road.

I am beginning to see that this scenario has got to stop.
There are other roads I can travel through.

Just this morning, I have been given insights on what I can do to improve myself.
Thinking back, all through my life, I have countless encounters such as the one I had this morning. Life changing encounters, messengers of God (melodramatic much? heh) finding me and giving me hints on how I can better myself.
The blame is on me for not following through.

I believe it is now the time to stop thinking of the chances I've missed and start looking for new opportunities.

Wish me luck, Insya ALLAH.

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